I've never done much of anything. I mean, I've stayed married for over 15 years and I've raised three children to adolescence, but I've never done much of anything just for ME. Or, rather, I've never pursued and accomplished anything just for me. I'm very good at things like "taking time for myself" or indulging in leisure activities, but that's not what I'm talking about here.
I'm talking about really DOING something, and doing it until it's done. Things like finishing school with a degree that I'm interested in or pursuing a career that takes me outside of my home. Now, I know that education and a career don't define a person or even give them any additional value of some kind, but they do represent success in the form of starting and finishing something. Risk taking. Trying, failing, dreaming, and trying again.
The things I've done in my life are very important things... but they are things that were thrust upon me. I have proven that I have the ability and fortitude to "rise to the challenge" when difficult circumstances land in my lap. This I know of myself. I won't give up or run away when the hammer drops or the battle rages long. What I don't know of myself is whether I can choose of my will to change my circumstances. Can I act, or will I simply fall back on the comfort of reacting?? I am awesome at reacting.
But there is a bend in the road up ahead, and I don't know what is around the corner. My children are growing up and will soon leave my house for lives and futures of their own. They will pursue dreams and I will be left at home. I am not sad at the thought of them leaving, for I know this is the natural progression of life and I am excited to see whom they will become. I encourage them to leave... to dream, to grow, to love, to try... No, I am not sad to be left. But I fear that my own ability to dream and to try was stunted along the way somehow. I believe that my children can do anything, be anything they want to be... but I'm afraid I've lost that same belief for myself.
What is a 36 year old woman to do... who has never finished college, or had a career, or even paid her own bills?? How does this woman even find a place to begin?? The world around me is moving so fast and there are so many others with such vast "experience" and important-sounding bullet points to paste onto their resumes. It is daunting and intimidating and then couple that with my natural tendency toward procrastination and what happens?? I end up closing the front door, pouring a cup of coffee and curling up on the couch with a book. My couch isn't threatening. My couch doesn't look better on paper than I do. My couch is warm and safe and easy and willing. I could spend the rest of my life on my couch. And that scares me to death!!
So what is the bigger fear... the fear of doing something, even if it's silly, wrong, or short-lived... or the fear of doing nothing?? And actually, now that I think about it... that is the wrong question to ask. Because I don't want to live my life based on fear of any kind! How bout this... what is the greater JOY?? Stepping out into the world to learn what I can and offer what I might? Or stay at home, enjoying my couch, my coffee and my books and relishing the triumphs of my children? Is it possible to celebrate their successes as I'm forging a few of my own??
No, I still don't know where to begin. I still don't know what I have to offer the world or even how to try. But maybe the first step starts on the couch... I'll sit down with my coffee and pick up a good book, an old favorite... "The Little Engine That Could". And I'll read the words of that sweet little engine, who was smaller than all the rest and facing a huge mountain... "I think I can..."